Ikarus MM-2

Ikarus MM-2
Ikarus MM-2/(MIMA-2)
Role Trainer (aircraft)
National origin Yugoslavia
Manufacturer Fabrika aero i hidroplana Ikarus A.D. Zemun - Belgrad
Designer Dragutin Milošević and Djordje Manojlović
First flight 1941
Introduction prototype
Retired 1942
Status inactive
Primary user Yugoslav Royal Air Force
Number built 1

The Ikarus MM-2 (Икарус MM-2 in Serbian) was a 1940 prototype single engine low-wing monoplane training aircraft featuring mixed (wood and metal) construction and retractable undercarriage produced at the Yugoslavian Ikarus factory.


Design and development

Recognizing the problem of fighter pilot training the second half of the thirties of the 20th century, when it appeared a new generation of lowwing fighters (Messerschmitt, Hurricane, Spitfire) a fighter pilot training in the Yugoslav Royal Air Force was done on veteran fighter (Spad, Devoatin, Gurd, Avia), for the simple reason that there was adequate for the school aircraft purpose, Eng. Dragutin Milosevic Air Force captain and fighter pilot, 1936th the school began a study of aircraft for pilot training exercise. His project under the designation M-1 declined to Headquarters Air Force because of the use of imported components (Reno was scheduled engine). During 1937 launched the redesign of the aircraft engine IAM local K-7 under the designation M-2, which was completed in mid-1939th year. That same year, testing was completed in the Eiffel wind tunnel model, which confirmed all budgets. At the time he joined the project engineer major Djordje Manojlovic who succeeded his connections to quickly accept the project. The project received MM-2 designation by the initials Milosevic - Manojlovic. Prototype is entrusted to the Ikarus who at that time working on three new projects (aircraft: Orkan, Aero-2 and B-5). [1]

Operational history

Work on developing the prototype was completed November of the 1940th year. The factory prototype testing began January 1941st year and completed in March of that year. Flight tests conducted pre-test pilot Vasilije Stojanovic as the aircraft showed excellent properties, the Air Force Command has bought the prototype test pilot, which is fourth April 1941 flew in from Zemun in Kraljevo togedet whit experiment group Yugoslav Air Force. Envisaged the development of 50 copies of these aircraft but the beginning of the war thwarted these plans. Since the war began two days, the aircraft was captured intact the German army plane and September gave its allies in the Croatian army, which flew under the number 6301 to the courier business[2]. It was destroyed during the fall when landing at the airport Rajlovac 13th May 1942 year. Aircraft was not renewed because the damage was a fall of 90%. Model aircraft and documentation is kept in the Yugoslav Museum of Aviation at the airport in Belgrade. After World War II plane had no prospects because of their features was in the area you have filled the school yet aircraft.




Data from :Боснић, Петар (март 1999.). Архив. "Авион МИМА-2 (II) Драгуљ предратне југословенске ваздухопловне индустрије" (in (Serbian)). Аеромагазин (-{YU}--Београд: ББ Софт) 8: стр. 38 - 41. ISSN: 1450-6068.

General characteristics


See also


  1. ^ Боснић, Петар (фебруар 1999.). Фељтон. "Авион МИМА-2 Драгуљ предратне југословенске ваздухопловне индустрије" (in (Serbian)). Аеромагазин (-{YU}--Београд: ББ Софт) 7: стр. 41 - 43. ISSN: 1450-6068.
  2. ^ Микић, Војислав (2000) (in (Serbian)). Зракопловство НДХ 1941 - 1945. -{YU}--Београд: ВИИВЈ и Таргет.


  • Janić, Čedomir; O. Petrović (2011). Short History of Aviation in Serbia. Beograd: Aerokomunikacije. ISBN 978-86-913973-2-6. 
  • Жутић. Н. и Бошковић. Л., Икарус - Икарбус: 1923 - 1998, Икарбус, Београд, 1999.
  • О. Петровић., Војни аероплани Краљевине СХС/Југославије (Део II: 1931 – 1941.), Лет 3/2004. Београд, 2004.
  • Д. Лучић: Основи практичне аеродинамике са описима аероплана, Библиотека „Ваздухопловног Гласника“, Нови Сад, 1936
  • В. Илић; Школе војног ваздухопловства краљевине СХС/Југославије, Лет 3/2004. Београд, 2004.
  • Микић, Војислав (2000) (in (Serbian)). Зракопловство НДХ 1941 - 1945. -{YU}--Београд: ВИИВЈ и Таргет. 
  • Боснић, Петар (фебруар 1999.). Фељтон. "Авион МИМА-2 Драгуљ предратне југословенске ваздухопловне индустрије" (in (Serbian)). Аеромагазин (-{YU}--Београд: ББ Софт) 7: стр. 41–43. ISSN: 1450-6068. 
  • Боснић, Петар (март 1999.). Архив. "Авион МИМА-2 (II) Драгуљ предратне југословенске ваздухопловне индустрије" (in (Serbian)). Аеромагазин (-{YU}--Београд: ББ Софт) 8: стр. 38–41. ISSN: 1450-6068. 
  • Јанић, Чедомир; Петровић, Огњан; (2010.) (in (Serbian)). Век авијације у Србији 1910-2010, 225 значајних летелица. Београд: Аерокомуникације. ISBN 978-86-913973-0-2. 

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